Monday, April 25, 2011

Hatching Eggs

Has not been a good year for hatching eggs. We took the incubators out of the closet and they got unplugged for about 24 hours. Then being out must have affected them, because I haven’t had any hatch to speak of. I have 6 poults that have hatched out of approximately 50 plus eggs. I took 19 out of the hatcher today and tossed them.

But the good news is that I also put 13 turkey and 5 chicken eggs into the hatcher. They should hatch about Wednesday. I changed the hatch days so they would hatch before the weekend so we could try to sell them at poultry swap meets on the weekends. So in the incubators I have some that should hatch this week, next week and the week after that. About 5-9 each week. I’ll get pics as they hatch.

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