Sunday, June 27, 2010

More Eggs

Saturday, 26 June the slate turkey didn't come home. Figured she had a nest some where so on Sunday, Frances went out to look. Found it. Out by the barn with 7 eggs in it.
I was prepared to go take her off the nest tonight and carry her to the coop, but she was already in the coop when I got home. So went and collected the eggs. Put them in the incubator. Hatch date 25 July. One week after the geese eggs.

Took all of the babies from the house outside except the red with the gimp hip and the peacock. Decided Drew is right, peacock crap smells worse than turkey or chicken crap, especially when it is in your living room. So the peacock has to go out side. Soon. Then I could be bird free in the house for a while, except Yaco. Lol.

Took the lawn mower to the chicken yard so they will have more room. It is more difficult for me, but starting tomorrow the birds are back in their yard. At least the ones I can make stay in there.

Still need to do a good count of what I actually have. Need to find the real numbers of what I have had and what I've lost this year so I can make some calculations for next year. Mostly need to figure out 3 things.
1. How many turkeys I have.
2. If I increase the number of hens I have, then how many eggs can I expect next year?
3. How many eggs does that work out to for each hen I keep? I'm thinking average of 5 eggs per week, per hen, and so far they have been laying, at least one of them has, for about 12 weeks. Could be a lot of eggs. Or not. And not really a separate item, but what am I going to do with all them birds?
I'll let you know.
When I figure it out.

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