Thursday, October 1, 2009


We just had a wonderful country moment.

Kids went down for a short nap and a storm passed over and by the time it had stopped raining the kids had woke up and climbed up on the bed with me. We all lay on our bellies looking out the window and what a show we had this time.

Right outside our window was 2 big turkeys and a few of our chickens, then we noticed right in the middle of them was a little rabbit. Eating grass and weeds right along side our turkeys and chickens. We were talking and moving around and it did not phase the rabbit. He just kept right on eating. Just as we were staring at him out a little further in the yard a squirrel ran as fast as it could from the left side to the right side past where we could see him anymore. We went back to watching the rabbit when here comes the squirrel back pausing at times but this time he had a huge black walnut in his mouth, storing up for the winter.

It was like nature had put on a little show just for us. They loved it and I loved being able to see these things just over an arms reach.

I will miss having them here and sharing these kinds of things with them. They also have been noticing the leaves turning different colors and starting to fall.

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