I have started to write over and over. I open my blog to write and find that I just can't. So many feelings so many words and for so many reasons I can't write them down.
We decided to cook on the grill last night. BBQ pork ribs. They were sooo good, it made us realize how much we miss cooking on the grill. It was freezing last night but Clay braved the cold (it helps that the grill is just a couple of steps outside the sliding glass door). He turned on the grill and then waited for it to heat up. When he went to check on it instead of being hot and ready to cook, the gas bottle had gone out. So in the freezing cold he had to change out the bottles. Luckily we had a new one all ready for such "emergencies." Then again, it heats up, he gets the ribs and vegetables on the grill and they are cooking away, he is watching the temp on the gauge. Finally he goes out to turn the meat, opens the lid and FIRE, everything is on fire. He was able to get it out and actually save our dinner. The ribs were REALLY done on one side but all in all they were delicious. We reminisced about how we wish we had fresh corn on the cob and tomatoes right off the vine but that will have to wait until summer. Really good dinner. Drew and Frances are going to Dallas for Drew's training next week. They leave Sunday morning and will be back next Wednesday night. I will have Alex for that time. I have to wonder how Alex will do. He has never been gone from his mom even for just a night since he was born. I'm so glad that Drew and Frances are getting some time just for themselves. I look forward to the day when I can do the same for Angela and Corey. I love my grandbabies so much.