6 February. Super Bowl Sunday and I get to watch it for a change. Not that I’m this big NFL fan or anything, just get the chance, so…. But speaking of sports, how about them Spurs? 42-8 with the best record in the NBA? Beat the Lakers twice so far! Go Spurs!!
But definitely winter weather here. Guess the ground hog saw his shadow. We got about 12-15 inches on Tuesday and then just when we were getting that cleared, we got about 2 more on Thursday night. So there is snow piled up everywhere, in all the parking lots and on the corners and such. Reminds me of Anchorage when we went thru there a few times. At one point it was pretty cold, but it has gotten better. Up to about 37 yesterday and about that today. They are calling for more snow early this week. Could be a problem.
We are scheduled to leave Wednesday morning for Utah. We are renting a car and then we’ll drive to Colorado to see Erin. Then Thursday we’ll complete the drive into Salt Lake City. Saturday in my college graduation and stuff, the reason we are going. Then on Sunday we’ll head out and return to Missouri. Just hoping the weather gives enough of a break for us to travel safely there and back.
There are a few positions being posted for high school biology teachers. I’m getting my package together to apply to them. I should have everything I need to get my certification. Have all my transcripts and such. Just need to apply to North Carolina, then take that one and submit it to Missouri.
There is another job I found that I’ve submitted my application for. It isn’t a teaching job, but pays a lot more. It is also more in line with my military experience, so I’ll see what happens with that before I say much more.
Sold the last of my chick yesterday. Had three turkey poults and 4 chicks that I sold. So now the living room has no lights on in it at night and the room is a lot quieter. In some ways I’ll miss them, but not the smell and they dander and such. Hoping that when I get back the turkeys will start laying again. I’ll need to build 3 pens to house the breeders and keep them separated so I know who breeds who. Just part of the plan. And I’ll try to sell almost all of them. Plus we’ll probably get a few Broad Breasted Bronze turkeys to can this fall, and maybe a couple reds to replace the gene line in my flock. They say not to breed parent/child to each other, but skipping one is ok. Just have to decide which I’m replacing, toms or hens. Right now we have 9 turkeys, 3 red, four slates, a black hen and my new tom. This is how I’ll group them.
Group one will be the Bourbon Reds, 1 tom and 2 hens. 1 hen is new the other two are 2 years old. These I’ll sell mostly as breeding pairs.
Group two will be the Slates. I have a Chocolate Slate tom and hen that I’ll put together along with a regular slate hen. These will be mostly for eating.
Group three will be with my new tom, and he’ll get the other slate hen and the black hen. These will be primarily for eating, but if I get a good looking bird I may continue it in the breeding program.
Drew got his own hose and they have been in the process of trying to move out of here and over there. He is hoping by the end of the month to be out completely. That will give us the month of March to get things ready to move into and out of the apartment. Plan to give notice there we’ll be out by 1 April. We may be out sooner, but who knows or cares. Really looking forward to being back on the farm all the time, and hoping spring gets here soon so I can start growing things. The plants in the living room are doing pretty good. The banana got two new shoots on it so I separated one of them and now have two plants. The Rose Mary needs to be divided, the basil is still doing good. Don’t think you can kill the Ti plants. And the pineapple plant is doing good, too.