What age does the "fake smile" go away? Does it really matter, he is so incredibly cute.
Look how old he looks. Going to be a real "ladies man" in a few years.
It is really John's birthday but Bella wanted for her birthday to be celebrated at the same time as John's. Bella's is 15 Oct. and then Alex will be 20 Oct. So there will be lots more birthday times. I love having most of my grandbabies here together.
John was SO excited about his Thomas the Train, he couldn't believe it. Plus he got this carrying case for his trains and the top of it is train tracks. John has decided that his case is really a "brief case" for "school" He loves carrying it around.
Bella loved her horse and Barbie, but she was sort of bummed that the horse wasn't big enough for her to ride. Funny girl. She does love this horse though, she can't stop playing with it.
Cupcakes with peanut butter icing. YUM they said.
About to blow out the candles.