Friday, April 3, 2009


Lots has been going on. Both my girls have purchased new vehicles in the last month. Erin got herself, what she calls a "grown-up" car, I think it is a 2004 or 2005 Volvo. Angela and Corey bought themselves a 2006 or 2007 Dodge Caravan. We are flying out to visit them in Utah next month and we are "inheriting" their old Caravan which used to be ours, then theirs, now ours again. It seems we are pretty good at recycling. My computer officially died. Now I only have Clay's to use when he is at work. It is hard to get on his because he is always doing school work. He is one class away from being able to be a full time teacher. They call him to substitute teach constantly now. In fact he will be subbing a biology class for 3 days next week. Biology is his major so he is really excited about it. We realized the other day that a couple of our hen eggs were awful small and very pointy. Looked it up and it is Guinea eggs. They are not very good at mothering but they will lay HUGE nests of eggs. Sure enough we found our guineas nest this morning, well Frances and Alex did. Right out in the front yard under a big grass bush we have. It is exciting. If we get any keets to hatch it will be very exciting and a first of any births here on the farm.
This is our hen, "Baby" she is so loving and follows us around like she is a puppy. She will definitely not ever grace our dinner table. She is just so different. She loves to be held.

Clay has been gardening indoors for a month or so now. We have seedlings growing in our bathroom, our closet and the living room. This is just a sampling of what he has grown. On the far left are tomato plants that he has grown from seeds. They are so ready to be planted outside. We have quite a jump on the growing season this year.

Hiding place of the guienas nest.
She left her nest to go and take a dirt bath so we were able to get a picture.